Educational Philosophy
Without a “Differential Advantage” there can be no Lamar Christian School or any other private school endeavor. It is the “Differential Advantage” for which parents/guardians are willing to make the necessary sacrifices for their children to attend such schools. It is true that this characteristic in education can be different from parent-to-parent or even person-to-person.
Only those people, whose intentions for the education of their children match up with the “Differential Advantages” that are characteristic of the Lamar Christian School, are going to be happy with the school and will want their children to attend. Parents, guardians, and students who desire something different should not even consider enrollment. It is a fact that many parents, guardians, and students can find exactly what they want in the public school system at no cost. This is why we say that the school is not for everyone. It is only for those who are comfortable with the “Differential Advantages” that characterize the school. Let us examine some of those areas of concern:
- Uniformed Students: This adds tremendously to one’s self-esteem, personal discipline, and eliminates the universal problem of dress fads. Uniforms are ultimately more economically feasible for parents/guardians relative to the overall cost of school clothes.
- Daily Bible Study: God’s Word calls for daily Christian Training, not a once or twice per week activity. The study of God’s Word is the most important activity in a youngster’s life. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.
- Moment-by-Moment Discipleship: God’s Word not only stresses the element of daily Bible Study, but a moment-by-moment training in His Word. This is possible only where it is permissible, when there is personal contact, and where the intent is very real. Parents/guardians who want this element of Christian training for their children have them in the right place at the Lamar Christian School. Actually, the correct translation for the term “Christian school” is “Kingdom education.” Kingdom education is the actual integration of God’s Word with all aspects of the school including academics, athletics, music, the playground, the lunchroom, general behavior in and out of the classroom, cheerleading, Beta club, student government, banquets, and trips. The list really has no end relative to the integration of God’s Word into our students’ lives. Without this kind of philosophy, a Biblical Worldview, our ultimate goal can not exist.
- Traditional Education: Traditional education is what built America into the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of the earth. It is definitely the decline of “Traditional Education” that is troubling this great country. Traditional education involves manners, respect for all adults and peers, a love of country, and appreciation of the sacrifices made to keep America strong and free. Traditional education insists on respect and appreciation for parents and guardians. Traditional education keeps proper moral behavior in front of the students and insists on the kind of discipline necessary for an atmosphere of learning to prevail. We live in an age of technology that is gradually taking away the value of the person. Traditional education acknowledges God and His Word as absolute truth and sets it as the standard for students.
- Discipline: As noted in the previous paragraph, learning is possible only when there is no distraction. The ultimate goal of no talking without permission, no one getting out of his or her seat without permission, having his or her books and all necessary equipment at hand at the proper time and at the proper place ready to go to work with the right attitude, is extremely necessary in the learning process.
- Academic Excellence: Lamar Christian School, along with the writers and publishers of the Christian curriculums we use, realize that children and young people are more capable than that for which they are generally given credit. We use curriculum that is written for the age of each specific grade level. Anything less is an insult to their general intelligence.
- Christian Curriculum: Lamar Christian School is committed to the use of Christian curriculum in all subjects with the exception of math in grades 6 – 12 and a few other subjects such as electives where no Christian literature is available. Parents/guardians can feel secure with this fact as we will not allow the “things-of-this-world” to infiltrate the minds of our students with anti-Christ influences that are definitely prevalent in many non- Christian materials and becoming more so with each publication of secular materials.
- Weekly Chapel Services: Our students are involved with weekly worship, not weekly assemblies. The praise and worship of our living God is most important to all of us at the school. We teach and preach the inerrant Word of God from the King James translation (ABeka print) of the Bible in an evangelical manner professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through the grace and mercy of God the Father. Our boys and girls are led to understand the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives as teacher, convictor, helper, and comforter. Sometimes one or two classes, individual students, and/or our choir help lead in worship.
CLOSING NOTE TO THIS ARTICLE: In addition to the above characteristics of “Kingdom education,” there is a teacher’s individual love for his/her students, the wonderful volunteers who are an integral part of our system, the churches who pray for us and contribute financially, and those who we call the “Friends of the School” who are so loving and necessary in bringing God’s plan into its fruition.
Parents/Guardians enrolling their child/children in Lamar Christian School for any reason or reasons other than those mentioned in this writing are just wasting their money and time. Lamar Christian School is a “Gift of God” to those of like mind relating to what is described in this article as the “Differential Advantage.” The school is not for everyone. But for those who are in accord, welcome to Lamar Christian School; and our prayer is that God will bless you and your children richly in this experience. “Fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded, having the same love being of one accord, of one mind.” Philippians 2:2